Baked goods made: 3 half sheets of brownies, two with chocolate chips, one with peppermint chips. All taken as potlucks or given as gifts.
Types of guacamole made: Two, spicy and not so spicy.
Baked goods not made: the dough for almond scented sugar cookies remains in the fridge. It’s going to have to be frozen and baked when I get back.
Gifts exchanged: Many and it’s not even Christmas yet. (Personalized sharpies and a cookbook by Robert Irvine (who is, by the way, built like…like…something godly) feature among my booty).
Holiday Specials watched: How the Grinch Stole Christmas, which I marvel at and learn from every year. The colors! The rhyme scheme! The mimicry of Clement Clark Moore! BRILLIANT. Also, Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire, a classic in these here parts.
Holiday Parties attended: Three. Office luncheon, Friend’s open house. Eggnog Party.
Packages Mailed: many. Check your mailboxes!
CDs made: see above. Many. Many.
Gifts wrapped: None yet. Well, no, I wrapped all the gifts for our California Christmas but all the New Jersey gifts are waiting for me to arrive.
Suitcases packed: None. Gotta fix that! Must remember warm socks and gloves!
Peppermint Soy Mochas consumed: only a few. But that could change after the jet lag hits.
Plans made to see movies: Sweeney Todd on the 21st. Oh yes. Please. Johnny who? It’s all about the Rickman, baby. Futurama: Bender’s Big Score in the new year. I’ve seen it once but I can certainly see it again.
Mp3 players loaded: One, mine. With mellow music. Papa M, Mogawi, Iron and Wine and a little Kaiser Chiefs for good measure. Throw in some New York Dolls, Jarvis Cocker, Thom Yorke, Radiohead and Lemon Jelly, add a little M83, some Boards of Canada, a dash of Thievery Corp, maybe some Snow Patrol, a few Premiere Opera podcasts and the audio books of The Hitchiker’s Guide and Anansi Boys and that should cover a very long flight.
Books chosen for trip: About 14. But I am trying to tell myself to only take two , Cakes and Ale by W. Somerset Maugham and The Fourth Bear by Jasper Fforde (Brenda, have you read Jasper Fforde? I have a feeling you might like him.) But I can pretty much guarantee that there will be more.
And just because…my current desktop:

Have a happy whatever you celebrate!