Friday, March 30, 2007

Jodi asks, I answer.
I too carry both a purse and a tote bag and I think I may have documented the contents of my tote before, but it is an ever changing thing and a cheap and entertaining blog post (Well, for me anyway, I love knowing what people have in their bags!).
So the bag itself is a Le Sport Sac tote, blue with butterflies, in a shape and pattern they no longer make. I am not a big fan of expensive bags and I think that Le Sport Sac are a little expensive for a fabric bag BUT they last forever. I’ve had this one for…a while, I don’t know how long. And I am sure I bought it off a sale rack somewhere and it was well worth the price. I guess, in the scheme of things though, they aren’t THAT expensive…I don’t know. Whatever. Here’s what’s inside today…
I know that seems like a lot of stuff…and I guess it is. I still always feel like I am missing something when I leave the house though. But I guess, if it’s not in my tote bag, it’s probably in my purse. And truthfully, they are both fairly small bags. But I like to be prepared. And I usually am. Well, for poetry emergencies anyway.
I too carry both a purse and a tote bag and I think I may have documented the contents of my tote before, but it is an ever changing thing and a cheap and entertaining blog post (Well, for me anyway, I love knowing what people have in their bags!).
So the bag itself is a Le Sport Sac tote, blue with butterflies, in a shape and pattern they no longer make. I am not a big fan of expensive bags and I think that Le Sport Sac are a little expensive for a fabric bag BUT they last forever. I’ve had this one for…a while, I don’t know how long. And I am sure I bought it off a sale rack somewhere and it was well worth the price. I guess, in the scheme of things though, they aren’t THAT expensive…I don’t know. Whatever. Here’s what’s inside today…
- The Little Book of Hindu Dieties by Sanjay Patel-Jason showed me this book because he thought I would like the art and he was oh so very correct. It’s gorgeous and I am currently carrying it around as inspiration. I love this guy’s style and he draws the cutest Ganesha ever.
- Cartoon Cool How to Draw Retro Style Characters by Christopher Hart-another inspiration-style book. I bought this a long time ago and never looked at it, once I did, I realized it wasn’t quite what I wanted, but it did nudge my brain a little in a new direction, so I guess it was worth it. I don’t generally like the How To Draw kind of books but I do think that this one gave me a little boost towards something…not sure what yet though.
- Hellboy Animated: The Black Wedding-this is a little digest-sized comic. I love Hellboy, everyone knows that. And this new animated style is quite appealing. I haven’t read this yet but…damn, I guess this is just my bag of inspiration this week. I am planning on doing a portrait of Hellboy for another project and I wanted to kind of study him. Oh hey, I just looked inside and it turns out that the story is by a guy I like too!
- A post card for free shipping on anything from J.C. Penney. I am buying a new buffet thingy for my dining room.
- A post card from the vet saying my cat needs a urine test. Sigh. I know it’s necessary but I don’t know how to make my poor cat understand that. I will take her in because I have to, but it makes me feel so bad because I can’t explain to her why they need to do a “urine dipstick” on her. Well, I can explain it but I don’t think that she will understand.
- Storm Front by Jim Butcher-I just picked this up the other day. I have kind of fallen in love with The Dresden Files on SciFi and read that true fans of the books were not in love with the tv show (no big surprise there). I wanted to see the differences for myself. I also want to know if Harry Dresden actually uses a hockey stick as a magic wand.
- Profane Halo by Gillian Conoley-I read a Gillian Conoley poem last year during NATIONAL POETRY MONTH (it’s coming up, people, get ready!) and I really liked it. I happened to be at a bookstore for a friend’s book signing and on a whim, popped into the poetry section and there it was! I have read bits and pieces of it but I don’t know how I feel about it yet.
- Anything But Dreams, Selected Poems by Eric Nixon-I had been hanging around Eric’s blog and kept thinking that I really should buy his book because hey, I like poetry, he writes poetry, I should support such things…and I finally did. I read the introduction last night in the car and I really like the fact that he makes notes on what was going on when he wrote a poem. Very clever that.
- A blue file folder filled with comic-con stuff, paperwork, samples, forms and letters. I really better get on that. Oh and there’s a thank you note from my nephew in there too, with a picture. Aw, so cute!
- A pink cram-cream organizer filled with:
- A little otsu annual weekly planner…empty. I really should plan things more.
- Notes on the library card design
- Felt tipped pen
- Mini writing board filled with index cards covered with idea notes
- Sample art for a shirt
- 128 mg jump drive
- a sticker that says “support indie comics you dope” from Young American Comics
- a photo of a friend’s daughter.
- Two random ballpoint pens
- A sample pack of dessert scented lotions from Lushbox
- A small zipper bag holding an ipod mini and cables
- A Pria Grain Essentials bar that came in the mail (chocolate almond bliss)
- A grey and brown striped cotton jersey scarf
- A small cosmetics bag filled with:
- Badger Balm (chai rose)
- Fingernail clippers
- Banana Hair clip (white with black skulls)
- Emergen-C Immune Defense Fizzy Tabs (Ruby Lemon Honey)
- One Oral B Brush-up
- Alba Botanica Sun block SPF 30
- Tide to go pen (recently used on a coffee spill)
- Neutrogena mineral foundation thingy
- Artificial tears
- Headache and Tension therapy homeopathic spray
- One pink, sparkly hair clip
- Two quarters and a dime
I know that seems like a lot of stuff…and I guess it is. I still always feel like I am missing something when I leave the house though. But I guess, if it’s not in my tote bag, it’s probably in my purse. And truthfully, they are both fairly small bags. But I like to be prepared. And I usually am. Well, for poetry emergencies anyway.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Panda and Bat.

Friday, March 23, 2007
Colleen asks (on her blog) “The most embarrassing poster I ever had hanging on my wall….” And I had to stop and think about it. I am a firm believer that no one (except my husband) should ever be ashamed of their musical tastes OR their childhood crushes. Why bother? Tastes change, people change, posters tear…what’s the big deal? That said, I am trying to figure out what would be the most embarrassing poster I ever had…hmmm.
Well, there was Donny Osmond, and I stand by my love for him. Every little girl loved him! And he wore purple socks! And I had the dolls from the variety show, one of Donny and one of Marie. And they wore…skates. That was weird, a variety show on ice. But if I am not mistaken the Brady Bunch had a variety show with synchronized swimmers so…dude, the 70’s were trippy.
I also stand by my Andy Gibb poster. He was cute. And I got to see him play Joseph in “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” not long before he drugged himself to death. I’m not saying he was genius, just that he was pretty decent music for the disco era. I remember taking “Shadowdancing” out from the library over and over. Now I listen to his brothers from time to time. Turns out they made a lot more music than just “Saturday Night Fever”.
I have absolutely no shame for my Mick Jagger poster and I never ever will. In fact, if I had that poster right now, I would hang it up. It was a photo from the “Waiting on a Friend”video and he’s wearing that white fedora. I loved that picture. Oddly, it fell off the wall on his 40th birthday. That always kind of freaked me out. Look at old Sir Mick now. I was afraid that he was going to die that day because clearly, it was an omen. I need never have worried I didn’t actually get to see The Rolling Stones in concert until I was in college. It was the Steel Wheels tour and I honestly believed that it would be their last tour ever. Silly girl. Let me add that that concert ranks amongst my favorites ever. Damn, those old people could rock!
Ok, Ok, maybe I feel a little bit weird about that GQ cover of Christopher Lambert. The picture was actually from his turn as Tarzan but still…he was the Highlander. He does deserve some credit for that. Besides…he is pretty.
In college I had a HUGE poster of David Bowie, I think it was a promo poster for Absolute Beginners and I know it was a going off to college present from my BF (I still have it. It’s in the garage at my mother’s house). A lot of girls came into my room for the Bowie poster but they all stayed for…Greg Louganis. Let’s face it, it doesn’t matter who he loves, we still loved him…and we also didn’t know at the time that he wouldn’t be all that interested in us. Still…pretty.
By the way, here is the Translation for that page…

Not much help, eh?
I am not embarrassed by any of my pinup boys. Currently, my office wall sports Hellboy and Alan Rickman. People look at me strangely but then again, they always have.
Well, there was Donny Osmond, and I stand by my love for him. Every little girl loved him! And he wore purple socks! And I had the dolls from the variety show, one of Donny and one of Marie. And they wore…skates. That was weird, a variety show on ice. But if I am not mistaken the Brady Bunch had a variety show with synchronized swimmers so…dude, the 70’s were trippy.
I also stand by my Andy Gibb poster. He was cute. And I got to see him play Joseph in “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” not long before he drugged himself to death. I’m not saying he was genius, just that he was pretty decent music for the disco era. I remember taking “Shadowdancing” out from the library over and over. Now I listen to his brothers from time to time. Turns out they made a lot more music than just “Saturday Night Fever”.
I have absolutely no shame for my Mick Jagger poster and I never ever will. In fact, if I had that poster right now, I would hang it up. It was a photo from the “Waiting on a Friend”video and he’s wearing that white fedora. I loved that picture. Oddly, it fell off the wall on his 40th birthday. That always kind of freaked me out. Look at old Sir Mick now. I was afraid that he was going to die that day because clearly, it was an omen. I need never have worried I didn’t actually get to see The Rolling Stones in concert until I was in college. It was the Steel Wheels tour and I honestly believed that it would be their last tour ever. Silly girl. Let me add that that concert ranks amongst my favorites ever. Damn, those old people could rock!
Ok, Ok, maybe I feel a little bit weird about that GQ cover of Christopher Lambert. The picture was actually from his turn as Tarzan but still…he was the Highlander. He does deserve some credit for that. Besides…he is pretty.
In college I had a HUGE poster of David Bowie, I think it was a promo poster for Absolute Beginners and I know it was a going off to college present from my BF (I still have it. It’s in the garage at my mother’s house). A lot of girls came into my room for the Bowie poster but they all stayed for…Greg Louganis. Let’s face it, it doesn’t matter who he loves, we still loved him…and we also didn’t know at the time that he wouldn’t be all that interested in us. Still…pretty.
By the way, here is the Translation for that page…

I am not embarrassed by any of my pinup boys. Currently, my office wall sports Hellboy and Alan Rickman. People look at me strangely but then again, they always have.
Monday, March 19, 2007
So, I do a fair amount of internets shopping. I like to purchase things from indy sort of vendors and I like finding new things. I figure it’s a good idea to share some of my discoveries since you might like them to, no?
Let’s see, this goes way back but I did make a purchase some time ago from BugsandBones. I got a leather slide barrette and a ponytail holder. Both are nicely made and very funky. Unfortunately, my hair is too fine to handle the heavy leather barrette. It’s still very cool though.
I have also discovered the joy that is Lushbox. I think I actually came across their actual site earlier, but it didn’t play well with my browser, so when I found them on etsy.com I was pretty pleased. I have been using their body frosting for a while now and it’s lovely and much cheaper than my usual Body Shop product, but just as effective. Their scents are very nice (I’ve been using the honey almond and the vanilla sandalwood) but I really appreciate that they have unscented products too. I tested them out first with a sampler pack and I think I am now a devoted fan. I have kind of cranky skin but have had no problems with their stuff. I tried a sampler of their mineral foundation as well and I think I will get a larger size when I next need foundation. Theirs seemed to have more coverage than many of the others but still managed not to look chalky. Oh, I also have one of their lipglosses and it’s lovely. Highly recommend this stuff.
And as long as I am on the subject of cosmetics…I’ve been buying stuff from Fyrinnnae for a while now and I really love their eye shadows. I use the darker colors as liners as well and again, my cranky, cranky skin seems to have no problems with them. I have tried their perfumes and found that they don’t really work well with my chemistry (everything smells too sweet on me). I currently use their mineral foundation and like it, I was not as pleased with their finishing powder, however, it didn’t really blend well into my skin. Their moisturizers were just not moisturizing enough for me but if you aren’t as dry as a bone and you don’t live in a desert, go for it. The greatest part about Fyrinnae is their samples. You can purchase a sample size of almost any product for a very reasonable price. They are a very generous size for a sample and if you like messing about with colors, you’ll find it more than enough to keep you entertained. Their service can be a little slow as far as shipping but they do generally have a warning on their homepage about their current projected turn around times. Oh, and if you think the colors look a little…garish, some are pretty amazingly punk rock but the obviously more neutral tones, they are just lovely. Perfect for wallflowers and rockers alike.
Let’s see…what else? Well, I love cupcakes so I HAD to have a cupcake painting from Team Chixon. Full disclosure? I kind of know these guys but damn, how cute are those cupcakes? And how cute is it that it’s the boy half of Team Chixon that paints them? Pretty darn cute. Right now I am thinking that Morrissey painting is pretty sweet too…I just don’t like Morrissey all that much. Oh, ok, it’s not that I DON’T like him, it’s just that I still think he sounds like Kermit the Frog. But that’s beside the point. The kids at Chixon are lovely and kind and they make cute pins and cupcakes and they have a dog a like and his name is Baxter and they are very nice the end.
Oh and I did buy a print from the The Black Apple as well. Emily has a uniquely cute and disturbing stlye that just sings to me. I bought the X Girl Print because I liked her eyes, I like X and I too must not think bad thoughts (oh, but I have only good thoughts about John Doe). The Black Apple does amazing business on etsy and understandably so. Emily blogs about her process and progress and is pretty darn quick on the turnaround. You have to get there pretty early to get an original but her prints are very nicely done if you miss out.
OK, there was one more print…from Nut and Bee. I actually was purchasing my husband’s Valentines card here (I got him the unicorn vomiting rainbows) and decided I had to have a little print too. They are excellent quality and there is such an amazing selection to choose from! And hey, even thought they are coming all the way from New Zealand, they get here pretty fast. I actually bought “Hot Tea Tortoise” but I think I am going back for “Deep Sea Cupcake” and possibly “Lemur of Science.” C’mon. How often do you get to say “lemur of science”? It’s just good.
One last link for you. I think I actually bought my necklace from Junque Revival well before Christmas but I kept forgetting to link to the site. I have a “Look Closely” necklace and I really, really like it. I originally bought it thinking “Oh, maybe I will give this to my mother…” and then decided that I would have to keep it for myself. She makes really unusual jewelry and it’s delicate without being eensy or precious.
So there you go, my recent…and I guess not so recent, shopping links. I don’t really intend to make this a shopping blog or anything, but I figure that when I find someone who does a nice job, makes a good product and pays attention to his or her customers, I should share the love.
Let’s see, this goes way back but I did make a purchase some time ago from BugsandBones. I got a leather slide barrette and a ponytail holder. Both are nicely made and very funky. Unfortunately, my hair is too fine to handle the heavy leather barrette. It’s still very cool though.
I have also discovered the joy that is Lushbox. I think I actually came across their actual site earlier, but it didn’t play well with my browser, so when I found them on etsy.com I was pretty pleased. I have been using their body frosting for a while now and it’s lovely and much cheaper than my usual Body Shop product, but just as effective. Their scents are very nice (I’ve been using the honey almond and the vanilla sandalwood) but I really appreciate that they have unscented products too. I tested them out first with a sampler pack and I think I am now a devoted fan. I have kind of cranky skin but have had no problems with their stuff. I tried a sampler of their mineral foundation as well and I think I will get a larger size when I next need foundation. Theirs seemed to have more coverage than many of the others but still managed not to look chalky. Oh, I also have one of their lipglosses and it’s lovely. Highly recommend this stuff.
And as long as I am on the subject of cosmetics…I’ve been buying stuff from Fyrinnnae for a while now and I really love their eye shadows. I use the darker colors as liners as well and again, my cranky, cranky skin seems to have no problems with them. I have tried their perfumes and found that they don’t really work well with my chemistry (everything smells too sweet on me). I currently use their mineral foundation and like it, I was not as pleased with their finishing powder, however, it didn’t really blend well into my skin. Their moisturizers were just not moisturizing enough for me but if you aren’t as dry as a bone and you don’t live in a desert, go for it. The greatest part about Fyrinnae is their samples. You can purchase a sample size of almost any product for a very reasonable price. They are a very generous size for a sample and if you like messing about with colors, you’ll find it more than enough to keep you entertained. Their service can be a little slow as far as shipping but they do generally have a warning on their homepage about their current projected turn around times. Oh, and if you think the colors look a little…garish, some are pretty amazingly punk rock but the obviously more neutral tones, they are just lovely. Perfect for wallflowers and rockers alike.
Let’s see…what else? Well, I love cupcakes so I HAD to have a cupcake painting from Team Chixon. Full disclosure? I kind of know these guys but damn, how cute are those cupcakes? And how cute is it that it’s the boy half of Team Chixon that paints them? Pretty darn cute. Right now I am thinking that Morrissey painting is pretty sweet too…I just don’t like Morrissey all that much. Oh, ok, it’s not that I DON’T like him, it’s just that I still think he sounds like Kermit the Frog. But that’s beside the point. The kids at Chixon are lovely and kind and they make cute pins and cupcakes and they have a dog a like and his name is Baxter and they are very nice the end.
Oh and I did buy a print from the The Black Apple as well. Emily has a uniquely cute and disturbing stlye that just sings to me. I bought the X Girl Print because I liked her eyes, I like X and I too must not think bad thoughts (oh, but I have only good thoughts about John Doe). The Black Apple does amazing business on etsy and understandably so. Emily blogs about her process and progress and is pretty darn quick on the turnaround. You have to get there pretty early to get an original but her prints are very nicely done if you miss out.
OK, there was one more print…from Nut and Bee. I actually was purchasing my husband’s Valentines card here (I got him the unicorn vomiting rainbows) and decided I had to have a little print too. They are excellent quality and there is such an amazing selection to choose from! And hey, even thought they are coming all the way from New Zealand, they get here pretty fast. I actually bought “Hot Tea Tortoise” but I think I am going back for “Deep Sea Cupcake” and possibly “Lemur of Science.” C’mon. How often do you get to say “lemur of science”? It’s just good.
One last link for you. I think I actually bought my necklace from Junque Revival well before Christmas but I kept forgetting to link to the site. I have a “Look Closely” necklace and I really, really like it. I originally bought it thinking “Oh, maybe I will give this to my mother…” and then decided that I would have to keep it for myself. She makes really unusual jewelry and it’s delicate without being eensy or precious.
So there you go, my recent…and I guess not so recent, shopping links. I don’t really intend to make this a shopping blog or anything, but I figure that when I find someone who does a nice job, makes a good product and pays attention to his or her customers, I should share the love.
Friday, March 16, 2007
You know that your life is either wonderful or has gone horribly, horribly wrong when you reach into your purse to put away your glasses and find a giant cookie that you don't remember purchasing.
I'm gonna go with "good thing" on this one.
I'm gonna go with "good thing" on this one.
Oh hey, did I mention the agave cupcakes? Because I made agave cupcakes. They were vegan. I didn’t like them much but my husband, who mocks all things not made of meat, did. I thought they were kind of bland and a little too doughy. Chris thought they tasted “planty”, Jason liked them but Jason likes everything. I wouldn’t totally dismiss the recipe though. I actually tested them out for a friend who was looking for no sugar recipes, and hey, if I couldn’t have a sugar cupcake and I was avoiding the chemicals of the sweeteners, then I would definitely eat an agave cupcake. They just aren’t really for me..unless, of course, there is a “cupcake related emergency.”
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I occasionally make statements that I later kind of marvel at. I once said that I keep frosting in my fridge for “cupcake related emergencies” and that one time that I said “I don’t feel so good, I think I need a cocktail…I mean cough syrup.” But the other day, upon viewing the commercial for the new animated film “Meet the Robinsons” I laughed and said “Well, you know me, I’m a sucker for a T. Rex joke.”
Really. How often does anyone say that? And I do mean the dinosaur, not the band, although if you made a good Marc Bolan joke, I’d probably like that too. Actually, someone did and I laughed. So there.
I do have a bit of a dinosaur thing. But only because I really like the way they look. I don’t care much about the science of them, I never wanted to dig them up, I just think they are cool looking. But I don’t like lizards. Go figure.
My favorite dino is actually the stegosaurus. I even sing a song about him from time to time. I thought I was the only person who knew that song until Emily mentioned singing a stego song on her blog. I asked her if this was it:
Stegosaurus, stegosaurus
Funny looking dinosaur
For on your back are many bony plates
And on your tail there’s more!
It was. And I was glad to know that I wasn’t the only one who wanders around singing it.
Anyway…dinosaurs are good. Monkeys are too. Monkeys punching dinosaurs? Brilliant.
Really. How often does anyone say that? And I do mean the dinosaur, not the band, although if you made a good Marc Bolan joke, I’d probably like that too. Actually, someone did and I laughed. So there.
I do have a bit of a dinosaur thing. But only because I really like the way they look. I don’t care much about the science of them, I never wanted to dig them up, I just think they are cool looking. But I don’t like lizards. Go figure.
My favorite dino is actually the stegosaurus. I even sing a song about him from time to time. I thought I was the only person who knew that song until Emily mentioned singing a stego song on her blog. I asked her if this was it:
Stegosaurus, stegosaurus
Funny looking dinosaur
For on your back are many bony plates
And on your tail there’s more!
It was. And I was glad to know that I wasn’t the only one who wanders around singing it.
Anyway…dinosaurs are good. Monkeys are too. Monkeys punching dinosaurs? Brilliant.
Friday, March 09, 2007
- I don’t actually LIKE whole wheat bread, I just eat it because I know it’s better for me than white bread.
- You know that room you see in a decorating magazine, the one that makes you say “Oh, it looks so cold and clinical”? I dream of living in that room. The one with no knick-knacks to dust, no rug to vacuum, no…clutter. In reality, I live amongst the detritus of two people, one who doesn’t like to throw things away (him) and one who gets tired of cleaning (me). All I would add to that cold, clinical room is a book shelf, otherwise they are getting stacked up on the floor.
- Even though I am from New Jersey, I don’t really like Bon Jovi.
- I let my cat eat off my fork sometimes. After I caught her licking my toothbrush I just figured there was no point in fighting.
- I would rather drink water than soda but water makes me have to go to the bathroom more often.
- I think I once got out of a speeding ticket because when I went take out my registration about a hundred tampons fell out of my glove box (that’s not a euphemism).
- I can’t always separate the art from the artist.
- I prefer the taste of “fakon” to bacon.
- I drink really cheap wine and really expensive whisky.
- I love to sleep but I dread going to sleep.
- I sometimes watch “Mama’s Family” late at night.
- I think the term “punk” is a misnomer when used in reference to the Ramones.
- I once purchased a Kip Winger album as penance.
- I judge books by their covers.
- I have considered buying those Oreo cookie crumbs that they sell to make pie crusts and just using them as breakfast cereal. I know they make an Oreo cereal but what’s the point when they actually make the cookie crumbs?
Thursday, March 08, 2007
It takes me one hour to get ready for my day. That is, it generally takes me one hour, in a pinch, I can do thirty minutes. But that one hour does include, showering, hair washing, hair drying, dressing, discovering stain on shirt, changing shirt, finding new pants to go with new shirt, finding new socks to go with new pants because old socks no longer match new outfit, mending hole in new socks because they are the only socks of that color left until wash day, putting on make-up, pulling up hair, fixing hair that was messily pulled up, feeding cat, cleaning up cat sick from too hungry cat eating too fast, washing hands, making breakfast, preparing lunch and drinks for the day (and by drinks I mean that I take my own tea to work, not that I must have cocktails prepared at all times, although that is not really a bad idea), packing my bag, putting on my shoes, rubbing the cat’s tummy until she bites, opening the curtains and windows so cat can get some sun, explaining to husband what needs to be done, or won’t be done or what is for dinner, running back to kitchen to pull something out of freezer to defrost for dinner OR throwing something previously defrosted into crockpot for dinner, getting down to car, packing car, getting into car, cleaning up coffee spilled while getting into car, securing seatbelt, finding previously prepared breakfast in myriad of bags, starting car, searching for radio station actually playing music, finding sunglasses, and finally getting out of parking space. An hour seems like a reasonable amount of time for that. And from day to day it changes, sometimes there are packages to be addressed, or notes to write, or cats to be dragged from underneath beds for vet appointments or…or…hey, there’s always something. But in that one hour I usually think, hey, I am doing ok. I am showered, I am dressed, I am made up and coiffed and prepared for the day. My makeup looks good, my hair is tidy, now that I have changed my clothes I am no longer stained or rumpled or inappropriately dressed for the weather. I am doing just fine.
I got in the car the other day and caught a glimpse of myself in the rear view mirror and I thought, “Oh, hey, I look nice. My skin is bright and rosy, my hair is shiny and clean and I have even managed to retain some lipgloss after a glass of soymilk and some goodbye kisses. Look at me.”
I arrived at work one hour later, walked into the bathroom and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.
Who knew so much could happen in an hour in the car?
I apparently get about ten minutes a day of clean, tidy and nicely appointed. If you miss them, you just get me in all my me-ness. It occurs to me that some people, family and friends alike have never seen me within the “good” window, only the “me” window. They will never know that my eyeshadow was perfectly applied and that my eyeliner perfectly complemented my eyes. They will never know that my sweater was once unwrinkled, unstained and un-untidy, that my shoes weren’t always this dusty or that my lipstick was once not smeared. And when I get home and I tidy up again to go out…it’s never quite the same is it? That mascara that has left raccoon rings around my eyes isn’t going to budge and the hair will not bounce like freshly washed hair.
I advise getting here early otherwise you just get me.
I got in the car the other day and caught a glimpse of myself in the rear view mirror and I thought, “Oh, hey, I look nice. My skin is bright and rosy, my hair is shiny and clean and I have even managed to retain some lipgloss after a glass of soymilk and some goodbye kisses. Look at me.”
I arrived at work one hour later, walked into the bathroom and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.
Who knew so much could happen in an hour in the car?
I apparently get about ten minutes a day of clean, tidy and nicely appointed. If you miss them, you just get me in all my me-ness. It occurs to me that some people, family and friends alike have never seen me within the “good” window, only the “me” window. They will never know that my eyeshadow was perfectly applied and that my eyeliner perfectly complemented my eyes. They will never know that my sweater was once unwrinkled, unstained and un-untidy, that my shoes weren’t always this dusty or that my lipstick was once not smeared. And when I get home and I tidy up again to go out…it’s never quite the same is it? That mascara that has left raccoon rings around my eyes isn’t going to budge and the hair will not bounce like freshly washed hair.
I advise getting here early otherwise you just get me.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
The other day, as I was walking out of Trader Joe’s, a woman passed me, looked directly at me and said…”Oops.”
How am I supposed to take that?
Anyway, I haven’t a lot to say. That’s not true. I always have a lot to say. That’s not true either. I THINK I have a lot to say but I never really feel like saying it.
Let’s see…
What I’m reading: The Untouchable by John Banville. I just started and I am already fascinated. I kind of dropped The Omnivore’s Dilemma but I will go back to it shortly. I’m kind of on a fiction kick at the moment, except the Banville book is based on a real story of the Cambridge spies. So a semi-fiction kick.
What I’m watching: I am trying to clean out the dvr. I’ve been watching the Masterpiece Theatres (Carrie’s War was very good) that I recorded and I’m going to get to the Mediums next. And the Romes and the Extras…and the…
What I am listening to: Jarvis Cocker’s solo stuff. You know him, he’s the dude from Pulp. Or Harry Potter, if you prefer. Thom Yorke’s solo stuff too. Love, love, love it. And I am very excited about this whole Bryan Ferry sings Bob Dylan thing.
What I am listening to right now…right this very second: Mark Rushton Podcast #18
If you're into ambient, electronica, downtempo, idm, drifty, chill out, and post-rock kinds of music then subscribe to the MarkRushton.com podcast and you'll be listening along with thousands of others. About every month I'll release a podcast of original music, either new material or tracks from my massive archive. I also include live and improvisational recordings on occasion. Over the years I've been influenced by artists like Brian Eno, Aphex Twin, Fennesz, Harold Budd, Cabaret Voltaire, Bill Nelson, Pat Metheny, and others, although I like countless other artists from most genres of music. If you have an appreciation for anything from synth pop to experimental noise, you'll probably like what I have to offer. You can find out more about me and my music at markrushton.com
I like it.
What I am working on: arty things. I am having a devil of a time drawing a dachshund playing an accordion but mostly just because of the color of the dog. And I am working on some new cards for a little side venture. More to come on that as it progresses.
What I am cooking: nothing. Nada. Last week I had James throw some pork in the crockpot to make carnitas. They were…eh. And I’ve not felt inspired to cook since. Maybe next week. I would like to try another batch of vegan cupcakes. I have my eye on a vanilla recipe.
Finally, I have a bad habit of bookmarking things to read “when I have a minute”. This is What I have been bookmarking lately:
Visibone’s Webmasters Color Lab makes me very happy. It’s good just to see colors next to one another but it’s great to figure them out for webby stuff.
Tracy Thorn talks about her new solo album
W.H. Auden and the Cambridge Spies (I think this is what got me wanting to read the Banneville book)
The poetry of Sylvia Plath, inspired by a heartbreaking post at John Baker’s blog, which I highly recommend.
Whew. I need a drink.
Soon I will update my links and show you places I have been shopping online. Because I can. So there.
How am I supposed to take that?
Anyway, I haven’t a lot to say. That’s not true. I always have a lot to say. That’s not true either. I THINK I have a lot to say but I never really feel like saying it.
Let’s see…
What I’m reading: The Untouchable by John Banville. I just started and I am already fascinated. I kind of dropped The Omnivore’s Dilemma but I will go back to it shortly. I’m kind of on a fiction kick at the moment, except the Banville book is based on a real story of the Cambridge spies. So a semi-fiction kick.
What I’m watching: I am trying to clean out the dvr. I’ve been watching the Masterpiece Theatres (Carrie’s War was very good) that I recorded and I’m going to get to the Mediums next. And the Romes and the Extras…and the…
What I am listening to: Jarvis Cocker’s solo stuff. You know him, he’s the dude from Pulp. Or Harry Potter, if you prefer. Thom Yorke’s solo stuff too. Love, love, love it. And I am very excited about this whole Bryan Ferry sings Bob Dylan thing.
What I am listening to right now…right this very second: Mark Rushton Podcast #18
I like it.
What I am working on: arty things. I am having a devil of a time drawing a dachshund playing an accordion but mostly just because of the color of the dog. And I am working on some new cards for a little side venture. More to come on that as it progresses.
What I am cooking: nothing. Nada. Last week I had James throw some pork in the crockpot to make carnitas. They were…eh. And I’ve not felt inspired to cook since. Maybe next week. I would like to try another batch of vegan cupcakes. I have my eye on a vanilla recipe.
Finally, I have a bad habit of bookmarking things to read “when I have a minute”. This is What I have been bookmarking lately:
Visibone’s Webmasters Color Lab makes me very happy. It’s good just to see colors next to one another but it’s great to figure them out for webby stuff.
Tracy Thorn talks about her new solo album
W.H. Auden and the Cambridge Spies (I think this is what got me wanting to read the Banneville book)
The poetry of Sylvia Plath, inspired by a heartbreaking post at John Baker’s blog, which I highly recommend.
Whew. I need a drink.
Soon I will update my links and show you places I have been shopping online. Because I can. So there.
what i am blanking
Friday, March 02, 2007
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Jodi posted this and said she thought I would laugh at her for it. I didn’t laugh and I don’t know why I would but here. I’ve done it now too.
In the list of books below, bold the ones you’ve read, italicize the ones you want to read, cross out the ones you won’t touch with a ten-foot pole, put a cross (+) in front of the ones on your book shelf, and asterisk (*) the ones you’ve never heard of:
OK, so:
Number read: 34
Number half read: about 7
Number my mom said I should read: 4
Number I have read more than once: 8
Some people think I have “snobbish” taste in books (their word, not mine). I don’t think this is true. I will attempt to read anything. And I will dissect it according to my training in literary criticism. I know that just because I don’t like a book, doesn’t mean that it is not significant, well-written or entertaining to others. I think that all books have merit if someone can read and enjoy them and that enlightenment can be found in the most unusual places. I don’t dismiss romance novels or mystery novels or any books that I haven’t read, but I do have an informed opinion on what I might not like. I think I have read an average sampling of different types of books and know where the type I will most appreciate. Do I have any great interest in, say…Dan Brown’s books? No. But if I had nothing else to read, I would read it.
I pick books by recommendation, by cover, by author and by having them fall in my lap. I make an effort to read outside of my literary comfort zone and I often find the best books by taking a chance. I do think it benefits almost anyone to read the Bible. Not for religious reasons but because so much other literature refers to the Bible and I think it helps one to understand the references.
I will never laugh at you for the number of books you have or have not read, the type of books you read, or the length of time it takes you to read them. I promise.
In the list of books below, bold the ones you’ve read, italicize the ones you want to read, cross out the ones you won’t touch with a ten-foot pole, put a cross (+) in front of the ones on your book shelf, and asterisk (*) the ones you’ve never heard of:
- The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown)
- +Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
- +To Kill A Mockingbird (Harper Lee)
- Gone With The Wind (Margaret Mitchell)-never seen all of the movie though.
- The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Tolkien)-Read it, didn’t like it.
- The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (Tolkien)- Read it, didn’t like it.
- The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers (Tolkien) Read it, didn’t like it.
- Anne of Green Gables (L.M. Montgomery)-I honestly can’t remember if I have read this or not. I remember owning it and I remember parts of the story, so I am guessing I at least read part of it.
- Outlander (Diana Gabaldon)
- *A Fine Balance (Rohinton Mistry)- I was wondering about this book because I didn’t remember ever hearing the title, so I looked it up. It is, apparently, an Oprah’s book club pick, which explains why I don’t know about it. I tend to like stories set in India but I also tend to dislike the books Oprah picks…so it is indeed a Fine Balance.
- +Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Rowling)
- Angels and Demons (Dan Brown)
- +Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Rowling)
- A Prayer for Owen Meany (John Irving)-I heard this was good but I kind of got over Irving a while ago. I am not OPPOSED to him, just kind of tired of him.
- Memoirs of a Geisha (Arthur Golden)
- +Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Rowling)
- *Fall On Your Knees (Ann-Marie MacDonald)-Intersting. Another book I wasn’t familiar with and another Oprah pick. I guess I really do ignore what she picks.
- The Stand (Stephen King)- I am not a huge fan of King but for some reason I really love the epic-ness of this one. I like The Shining too, the end of that book is just creeeeepy.
- +Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Rowling)
- +Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)-I think this is one of those books that I have read about half of and never finished. I am not really big on gothics but I WANT to like this one. I did just watch it on Masterpiece Theatre though, does that count?
- +The Hobbit (Tolkien)-This is really the only one of the series that I like.
- The Catcher in the Rye (J.D. Salinger)-I should really read this. Everyone has read this except me. Eh, I’ll get around to it.
- Little Women (Louisa May Alcott)-Um…Another one that I can’t remember if I finished or not. I did read a bunch of her other books when I was a kid. I was terribly fond of “A Rose in Bloom” and “Jo’s Boys.”
- The Lovely Bones (Alice Sebold)-My mom said I should read this. But I haven’t.
- Life of Pi (Yann Martel)
- +The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams)-One of my all time favorites. )
- +Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte)-Damn, I should really finish all those books I started and never completed. I like the movie of this one but found the book a little tedious. But still… I should finish it.
- +The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (C.S. Lewis)-Read this whole series when I was a kid.
- East of Eden (John Steinbeck)
- Tuesdays with Morrie (Mitch Albom)
- Dune (Frank Herbert) Oh, I tried. I did. But…yeah.
- The Notebook (Nicholas Sparks)
- Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand)-I read “Anthem.” Does that count?
- 1984 (Orwell)
- The Mists of Avalon (Marion Zimmer Bradley)
- The Pillars of the Earth (Ken Follett)
- *The Power of One (Bryce Courtenay)
- I Know This Much Is True (Wally Lamb)
- The Red Tent (Anita Diamant)-My mom says I should read this one too.
- The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)- Had to look this one up…not really to my taste.
- The Clan of the Cave Bear (Jean M. Auel)-Gee, I THINK I read this. I remember seeing the movie and knowing what it was about…so…I THINK I read it.
- The Kite Runner (Khaled Hosseini)
- Confessions of a Shopaholic (Sophie Kinsella)
- The Five People You Meet In Heaven (Mitch Albom)
- +Bible-OOOH! Can I count this twice?
- +Anna Karenina (Tolstoy)-Ah, next on my list of things to read. Looking forward to it.
- The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas)
- Angela's Ashes (Frank McCourt)
- The Grapes of Wrath (John Steinbeck)-I can’t remember if I have read any Steinbeck or not. I am sure I must have but I swear I can’t remember what.
- She's Come Undone (Wally Lamb)
- The Poisonwood Bible (Barbara Kingsolver)-My mom says I should read this.
- A Tale of Two Cities (Dickens)_OK, full disclosure, I have never finished this book but I love, love, love the movie with Ronald Coleman.
- Ender's Game (Orson Scott Card)
- Great Expectations (Dickens)
- +The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)-One of my favorite books.
- *The Stone Angel (Margaret Laurence)
- +Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Rowling)
- The Thorn Birds (Colleen McCullough)-Read it as a kid for the dirty parts.
- The Handmaid’s Tale (Margaret Atwood)
- The Time Traveller’s Wife (Audrew Niffenegger)
- Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
- The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- War and Peace (Tolstoy)
- Interview with the Vampire (Anne Rice)
- *Fifth Business (Robertson Davis)- Had to look this one up and I am intrigued.
- +One Hundred Years Of Solitude (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
- The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants (Ann Brashares)
- +Catch-22 (Joseph Heller)
- +Les Miserables (Hugo)-Read Half. Will finish someday.
- The Little Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
- +Bridget Jones’ Diary (Fielding)
- +Love in the Time of Cholera (Marquez)
- Shogun (James Clavell)
- The English Patient (Michael Ondaatje)
- +The Secret Garden (Frances Hodgson Burnett)-Love this one.
- *The Summer Tree (Guy Gavriel Kay)-OK, now I want to know where this list came from. I looked this one up and although it looks interesting, there are too many fantasy novels juxtaposed with Oprah picks. I don’t get this list at all.
- A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Betty Smith)_ Read the Readers Digest condensed version one summer at the bay. Never wanted to read the whole book after that.
- The World According To Garp (John Irving)
- *The Diviners (Margaret Laurence)
- Charlotte’s Web (E.B. White)
- *Not Wanted On the Voyage (Timothy Findley)_ok. Lots of Canadian authors too. Where is this list from???
- Of Mice And Men (Steinbeck) )
- Rebecca (Daphne DuMaurier)
- *Wizard’s First Rule (Terry Goodkind)_I know the author but not the title…
- +Emma (Jane Austen)
- Watership Down (Richard Adams)
- Brave New World (Aldous Huxley)
- *The Stone Diaries (Carol Shields)-hmmm…another Canadian, not that there is anything wrong with that…but I see a trend.
- *Blindness (Jose Saramago)-Oh wow. Look this one up. This sounds fascinating.
- *Kane and Abel (Jeffrey Archer)- I looked this up to see why the authors name was familiar and I still don’t know why. What did he write that I would have seen?
- *In The Skin Of A Lion (Ondaatje)
- Lord of the Flies (Golding)
- The Good Earth (Pearl S. Buck)
- The Secret Life of Bees (Sue Monk Kidd)-My mom says I should read this.
- The Bourne Identity (Robert Ludlum)
- The Outsiders (S. E. Hinton) )
- White Oleander (Janet Fitch)
- A Woman of Substance (Barbara Taylor Bradford)
- The Celestine Prophecy (James Redfield)
- +Ulysses (James Joyce)
OK, so:
Number read: 34
Number half read: about 7
Number my mom said I should read: 4
Number I have read more than once: 8
Some people think I have “snobbish” taste in books (their word, not mine). I don’t think this is true. I will attempt to read anything. And I will dissect it according to my training in literary criticism. I know that just because I don’t like a book, doesn’t mean that it is not significant, well-written or entertaining to others. I think that all books have merit if someone can read and enjoy them and that enlightenment can be found in the most unusual places. I don’t dismiss romance novels or mystery novels or any books that I haven’t read, but I do have an informed opinion on what I might not like. I think I have read an average sampling of different types of books and know where the type I will most appreciate. Do I have any great interest in, say…Dan Brown’s books? No. But if I had nothing else to read, I would read it.
I pick books by recommendation, by cover, by author and by having them fall in my lap. I make an effort to read outside of my literary comfort zone and I often find the best books by taking a chance. I do think it benefits almost anyone to read the Bible. Not for religious reasons but because so much other literature refers to the Bible and I think it helps one to understand the references.
I will never laugh at you for the number of books you have or have not read, the type of books you read, or the length of time it takes you to read them. I promise.
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