Monday, August 06, 2007


I gotta tell ya, I think I am getting old. This comic-con? It near killed me. Only today, one week later am I starting to feel like I won’t pass out from exhaustion and I might actually make it through the day. Yeesh.

But, that said, it was…well, it was good in a lot of ways and it also made me feel like, oh heck, I ain’t NEVER doing this again! But I am sure I will. It was just the busiest con I have ever seen and I pretty much went into the building at 8:30 every morning and left at 7:15 every evening and that was it. I did have a lovely, relaxed dinner one night with a few Tired Girls but every other night featured dinner in the hotel pub or in my room. And it wore me out. But, on the up side, we did get, once again, a nice response to our stuff. And things that I really thought wouldn’t sell…did. So it was all very nice. And I got to see some bloggery friends, however briefly and meet some bloggery friend’s spouses (the pleasant and slightly overwhelmed by all the geekery, Mr. Say It, Don’t Spray It and the quite comfortable with all the geekery Mr. JustJenn, and the lovely Mrs. “Josh who no longer blogs because he is just too busy and fancy and special”) and I saw some of my favorite artists and I even purchased a few small bits of original art. So, you know, it was good. And tiring. And overwhelming. And it scared that little bug I had before I went into an adrenaline induced remission and then when I came back…BOOM! Feeling the yuk!

But now I am home and most things are packed away…ok, so they are not, but they will be. And the bug has wandered off for the moment and I finally feel like I may not keel over at any time and life goes on. I have ordered a copy of the Harry Potter book, have you heard of this thing? This Harry Potter? No? yeah, whatever, I have finally ordered my copy because everyone else I know has read it and they want to talk about it, so I’ll be doing that soon. Oh, and a book on vegan ice cream because…well, I like my ice cream but it doesn’t like me so…yeah.

Hunh, I realize that all of the above is only slightly informational and not terribly interesting AND contains no links. Go figure. Lazy me.


Nanette said...

I can feel the exhausting oozing from your post. I hope you feel 100% soon!

Mr. Say It Don't Spray It said it was very nice to meet you. And yes, he was a bit overwhelmed by all things Comic-Con.

Jodi said...

Maybe I'm lazy because I actually liked this post. And I'm definitely too lazy to click links. Glad to hear you are recovering and didn't take ill. I'm still reading HP7, but it is moving very quickly.

Chris said...

If my wife was the "pleasant and slightly overwhelmed by the geekery" then it was all an act - she's lived with me for over 20 years, so she should be used to it :-)

And to save a comment, I'll comment on your last post, too.

Even for my first Comic-Con, I got the love it/hate it vibe as well. On one hand, I was just walking around thinking how cool this all was. On the other hand, I was fighting crowds and spending a crapload of money then still having to log on the net every night to read other people's accounts of what I missed each day because I couldn't be at five places (or more) at once.

All in all, it was a great trip, though and it was nice seeing you again (even if it was just semi-random encounters). You were really looking tired around Saturday afternoon when Matt was in the Bongo booth and the crowds were encroaching.