- A clown
- A pizza maker/water ice scooper/soda puller
- A popcorn cart girl
- A shoe salesperson
- A textbook illustrator
- A keyworder of Victorian illustrations and modern photography
- A babysitter
- A copyeditor
- A facepainter
- A designer
- A comic book letterer
- A box office person in a theatre
- A literary magazine editor
- A literary magazine assistant editor
- A proofreader
- A resident assistant
- An illustrator of art for courtrooms (2 days)
- A digital archivist
- A counter girl in a bakery (1 day)
- A librarian
- A teacher
- A college professor
- A farm vet
- An animator
- A minister
- A costume designer
- A make-up artist
- A paralegal
- A pastry chef
- A reader of books on tape
- A nursing home supervisor
- A special education teacher
- A psychologist
- A poet (I still want to be the poet laurate of the United States though)
- A comic book editor
- An editor of learning materials catalogs
- A designer for MODERN HOT TUBS magazine
- An artist
- A counter girl in a bakery (I did it for one day and that was enough)
- Cool
Hunh, that looks worse and/or better than it actually is. Go figure. I bet I'm missing a lot of them too. Jules will remember some things I forgot, I'm sure.
Wow, you have done a lot of things. I think it's cool.
(I will do my questions soon, I promise!)
you forgot the scone cart
also, i know i filled in at the icecream stand and cotton candy stand at the park - i thought you did too
hey, have you ever gotten cornered by one of those marketing people in the mall? i felt bad for a woman once and got roped into in. i got paid $5 for drinking champagne.
i remembered - at 11:30 friday night - the job you had painting t-shirts. the fun thing about that was, everyone loved your t-shirts and noone liked the ones done by the girl who started the business.
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